Myrtle essential oil was used to combat acne and other skin conditions, as a herbal tea it has been used to treat diabetes by lowering blood glucose levels. Myrtle tea has also been traditionally used to treat urinary and bladder infections.
Myrtle Benefits
Hay fever, sinus problems, coughs, asthma, sleeplessness, snoring, can boost the immune system and is safe oil for use with children
Myrtle oil is similar to Olbas oil in smell but whilst Olbas oil is very strong and stimulating, Myrtle has a sedative action. So if you have Hay fever or a cough etc, popping a few drops of this oil on a tissue under your pillow is a fantastic way to get a good nights sleep.
Myrtle oil essential oil is great to use for hayfever at night, as clears your sinus, aids breathing & is sleep inducing
Myrtle can alleviate the symptoms of sinus pain & congestion. Simply mix 1-2 drops of Myrtle with a teaspoon of unfragranced face or body cream and massage into the sinus area or use a steam inhalation - Put 3-4 drops of oil in a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head and shoulders and inhale the steam - excellent at clearing blockages.
To relieve a cough, half an hour before going to bed place a wet flannel on a radiator with 4 - 6 drops of Myrtle oil on so the oil evaporates slowly during the night. This is really effective at relieving symptoms and aiding a good nights sleep and great for children with coughs and colds