P Frankincense Pure Essential Oil
This oil is the most popular in aromatherapy for its calming properties. It is said to help heal wounds and prevent scars. It is used to tone the face, remove wrinkles, and avoid stretch marks in cosmetic products. Frankincense essential oil has been used to ease anxiety, stress, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, and bad coughs. It is a general tonic to the uterus, has a calming effect during labour, and helps ease heavy menstruation. It is most useful during meditation. Avoid during pregnancy.
Frankincense Essential Oil is steam distilled from the resin of the Boswellia carterii tree, of the Burseraceae family, and is also known as Olibanum. The word is derived from the French franc meaning luxuriant, and was, along with myrrh, the first gum to be used as incense. The tree is indigenous to the Middle East, and is said to exist in natural bonsai formation in that parched land. Frankincense is said to symbolize divinity.
Contains 100% pure,natural and undiluted Frankincense essential oil
Dilute 3-5 drops to every 10ml of carrier oil for massage. Use diluted oil in water in a candle burner or electric diffuser to fragrance your surroundings.
Safety Warning
Do not take internally.Do not use undiluted on the skin.Keep away from children and eyes. If pregnant, always seek medical advice before use.
Box Contains
Contains 1 x 5ml bottle of Frankincense essential oil